[sign the Petition] Stop Mass Fish Killing Festival in Hwacheon! > 2022년 1분기 동물시험윤리위원회 위원교육 안내

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[sign the Petition] Stop Mass Fish Killing Festival in Hwacheon!

페이지 정보

작성자 최고관리자 댓글 0건 조회 4,620회 작성일 18-12-06 14:27


[​sign the Petition] Stop Mass Fish Killing Festival in Hwacheon!

Standing on a river with almost 10,000 other people, all with the same purpose of plucking those unfortunate creatures from underwater, doing the aquatic equivalent of shooting ducks in a barrel, is definitely not something you want your children to attend to.

Now it’s on us to use this moment to stop this wasteful mass killing, and call for the local government to completely reform this festival to an ethical, ecological and sustainable event!







등록된 댓글이 없습니다.


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